Sep 7, 2010
May 3, 2010
Home group study on "Wat is 'n Huishouding van Geloof"
Eben Roux - Wat is 'n Huishouding van Geloof.
God is doing a new thing, in this time He is revealing His will.. He is busy taking traditions, religion and false prophets out of His church, since these things resist the growth of His church. Because the church is His habitat.
Everything that began with the fall and ended with the Deliverers redemption is related to the concept of the Jubilee; of returning the possession to the slaves. The cycle of redemption was completed with Jesus' resurrection.
Jesus has set us free, His body was broken so we can be His body.
The ministry of re conciliation is to re-unite believers to the father and reinstate their inheritance – JUBILEE; to reign as God's stewards over all He has made.
God made that promise to Adam and Jesus restores. “In your seed all the nations will be blessed”
In the OT it was only the Jews, after Jesus all the nations have the potential to be the fruit of the seed (Jesus), the fruit of His seed that died when it was buried.
Most believers have always behaved like the spies. 12 spies, 1 for each tribe, for a reconnaissance view of the promised inheritance. They preferred to survive in the wilderness that to take up the challenge of overcoming the promise land – making a comfort zone of the wilderness. They are happy where they are, in their comfort zone, and with their stubborn, negative attitude they can't inherit.
Believers are citizens of another kingdom and not meant to submit to the norms of secular society, like an ambassador, isn't dependent of the economy in which they reside.
The new wine has the specific purpose of enabling us to inherit the promised land. Joel 28
Numbers 14 : 31
31 'But your little ones, whom you said would be victims, I will bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised.
32 'But as for you, your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness.
33 'And your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness forty years, and bear the brunt of your infidelity, until your carcasses are consumed in the wilderness.
34 'According to the number of the days in which you spied out the land, forty days, for each day you shall bear your guilt one year, namely forty years, and you shall know My rejection.
35 'I the LORD have spoken this; I will surely do so to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against Me. In this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.'"
Whereas those who were positive were allowed in.
We don't want to hear the things that disturb us.
If Egypt is still in us we will be stubborn to receive anything that disturbs our comfort zones. We don't want to be left behind, but be ready for the reformations.
We no longer submit to the law of Moses
Galatians 5:18
We are under the law of Christ, the OT is for learning only, so we don't make the same faults as the early believers.
Now today believers settle for the wilderness because they're unaware, ignorant or stubborn to acknowledge they're in the wrong place or should move on.
The law of Moses was all about how the families should live in the wilderness, when the law was given a second time it had to do with how the promised land should be managed.
John 14:2-11
2 "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
4 "And where I go you know, and the way you know."
5 Thomas said to Him, "Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?"
6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
7 "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him."
8 Philip said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us."
9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
10 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.
11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves.
The Father's house is the church on earth. How does God build His house on the earth?
He builds it around the culture of households or families of faith. All the families together a corporate household. It's not just one massive household, it's many families or households within a corporate household. There are various different fathers.
We stand under faith that Jesus Christ is the son of God. The ministry of reconciliation is not just to make us part of the corporate family but to make us a part of a family/house hold of faith.
Where does the enemy attack? Normally in families by disturbing the foundation – the fathers.
A house hold of faith where there are parent to feed the children.
Malachi 3
1 "Behold, I send My messenger, And he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, Will suddenly come to His temple, Even the Messenger of the covenant, In whom you delight. Behold, He is coming," Says the LORD of hosts.
2 "But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderer's soap.
Malachi 4
1 "For behold, the day is coming, Burning like an oven, And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up," Says the LORD of hosts, "That will leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
3 You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet On the day that I do this," Says the LORD of hosts.
4 "Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments.
5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
After He speaks about what He would do with the wicked and righteous, He tells us to think/remember the law of Moses. How the groups must be divided into small groups, so that everyone can get what they need. Rule to regulate slave that couldn't manage themselves.
Why does He first talk about Moses before saying He will again send His messenger in the spirit of Elijah to return the fathers to sons and sons to fathers? That is the annointing to reconcile fathers and sons.
The OT was the single annointing (just priests) the NT is the double annointing; priests and kings. We are a kingly priesthood, or a priesthood of kings. This is the foundation of the church Christ builds.
God is saying; I will re-establish the principle of how you can become a part of the household of God. IE; I will establish it on the fundamental core of fathers and son. The son can be equal to the father, the father wants to be invisible but be visible in the son and also the son wants to be invisible and make the father visible.
That's what Jesus was doing and said. He came to represent the Father.
When you can understand this dynamic, you'll see it's not a dictatorship but a culture, but how can I be represented in my sons and the sons want to honour the father by wanting to demonstrate and example of the father “How can I be like my father”
Attaining sonship means you represent your father.
It's a government principle, but you need to be connected to a mentor. Not academics that make religion out of faith. That make a dead religion, intelligent but dead, theologising the word. Matthew 23
God is in the Sabbath rest, when God wants to reveal His will, He does it through people.
The only way to build the church is through relationships in family, hence why Jesus said, when there's 2 or 3 there I am, lone rangers can't understand that.
When you're reborn you must participate in a spiritual family. There are too many secular believers who just want spiritual experiences. The feeding of the 5000 indicates how the word and church must be administered. Jesus divided himself in 12 baskets and the last days wants to raise up these baskets
John 6
39 "This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.
The 12 baskets represent the 12 disciples.
God wants to restore in the last days, what He was doing while He was on earth amongst the 12 disciples.; this is what He is doing now. Jesus is busy preparing everything for His return, we must abandon the traditions and rituals and look forward.
Feb 12, 2010
How bright does the light shine out of you? 7 Feb Home Group (ver3)
light/ invade in where light is.
· Gn 1:16 The moon was created to rule over the darkness, though it
doesn't have its own light (like the church and God)
· So 6:10
· Rev 3:14 à 2 Cor 1 :20 à Jn 1:18 The moon testifies of the suns
light àPs 89:38 Like the sons of God/ Bride of Christ do of God
o Like a full moon; There's less evil/crime and it's romantic/love
o Act 26:23 à Mt 5:14-16
§ Our light must shine, but how will people see our light if we say the
word is our light
§ What will determine what moon you are (full, crescent, new)
· By your actions/deeds
· What culture is your lifestyle
· What is your source of provision
· Do you live out God's kingdom economic or worldly standards
· Where is your trust/security
o Your possessions/money VS God the Father?
o Things of temporary value or things of eternal value?
§ Jesus Came as a light of a world
· We must be a light that's not to bright for the world – driving
them away, yet attractive enough to draw them to our culture
· We are in the world but not of the world
· By our habits/culture/lifestyle/deeds – is our light determined
· Your mindset determines your behaviour
o We say at new year's resolutions what our yearly priorities are yet,
later on we see nothing has changed
o Your behaviour patterns determines your priorities à And your mind sets
determines your behaviour
o If you wants get rid of bad habits, change your mind set Rom 12
· How do we change our mind sets (Eph 1:17,18); FLOOD YOUR HEART
o The light enters by your ears not your eyes
o The letters in revelations doesn't say "He who has an eye to see", but
"he who has an ear, let him hear"
o Ja 1:18-25
§ Receive the word with gentleness/humility/softness à since that word
will change you
§ When we start to become a doer of the word, because of all the light in
your heart, you are actually working in your true nature, which is the image
and likeness of God, which is a life of obedience
· 2 Cor 4:4 As soon as we realise that we were created before the
earth's making to be a son of God and were created in the image of Christ,
the enemy blinds you from this realisation; to keep you away from knowing
what your true nature is.
o Then enemy wants to ensure that you don't flood your heart with light
because he is darkness
o That's why he keeps you away from anything that will change you
o Traditions that are actually extensions of satan's evil kingdom, the
keep one from changing
o Believers with guilt because of their sin, are crippled by the enemy
through the guilt – which he does in order to keep them passive/inactive
§ Hence we're not to focus/concentrate on our sins, but to focus on His
§ The word doesn't separate you from sin, but sin from you;
§ God takes you to a certain place where sin cannot stand à eventually to
the Most Holy of Holy where not even illness/ death can be
§ There's a position (measure of the fullness of Christ) in Christ to which
God leads us;
§ Don't let sin keep you captive, we can't focus on overcoming that sin,
but we must focus on God's light, and He will remove the sin from us by our
position in His presence.
§ God separates you from sin, He will elevate you to a position where sin
can't touch you
· Pr 4:20-24 There is even healing in God's word. Death is in sin,
Ps 107:20 it's God's will and this is a part of His order. He is almighty,
but H e won't go against His word – it's a complete package, and healing is
a part of that
· Is 58:8 Where does that light shine à in our soul, since it's our
soul that determines our behaviour
· 2 Tim 1:10 how did Jesus get rid of death, by bringing light,à
which was proclaiming the Gospel/ Good news of God's truth
o The more light in you the more Godly immunity you have
o The more light, the more healing
o Be obedient, even unto the obedience of Christ, how was Christ obedient?
Unto death. Death of what? Death of the flesh. When Christ blew out the last
breath of His flesh He said "It is finished", since we must have the same
obedience Christ had.
· 3 Jn 2
· How does your soul prosper?
o By reflecting light
o When we start doing good, ministering, giving out – we are reflecting
God's light, like the moon does of the sun.
§ We reflect light through our soul
§ Our soul will either reflect the flesh or God's Spirit
· Eph 5:5-8 & 13-16 Don't waste time – manage your time
o What moon are you
§ We don't want to be a lightless moon
o If we look at the process of Going from Egypt through the wilderness
across the Jordan; what do we see a barrier before us or a safe secure
boundary behind us
§ This is the purpose of introspection
· Where do I stand in my process of sanctification, discipleship
· Jesus is our Jubilee and has given this ministry of reconciliation
to His bride that we can return all people to their true Father and
believers with their inheritance which is here on earth. He has set us free
using son and father disciples to reconcile all people who have been set
free to possess their inheritance
§ We must know where we stand, so that we can know what kind of food (baby
or solids) we need.
§ It is a wonderful privilege to know we can be free from tragedy without
mystical superstitious Christianity
§ The word says if we have enough light in us, it will release us from sin
and sickness as we grow into a purer realm, since we're not part of this
worlds systems...
Feb 8, 2010
How bright does the light shine out of you? 7 Feb Home Group
How bright does the light shine out of you?
· Jn 1:1-5 Darkness can’t coexist with light, nor can it overwhelm light/ invade in where light is.
· Gn 1:16 The moon was created to rule over the darkness, though it doesn’t have its own light (like the church and God)
· So 6:10
· Rev 3:14 à 2 Cor 1 :20 à Jn 1:18 The moon testifies of the suns light àPs 89:38 Like the sons of God/ Bride of Christ do of God
o Like a full moon; There’s less evil/crime and it’s romantic/love
o Act 26:23 à Mt 5:14-16
§ Our light must shine, but how will people see our light if we say the word is our light
§ What will determine what moon you are (full, crescent, new)
· By your actions/deeds
· What culture is your lifestyle
· What is your source of provision
· Do you live out God’s kingdom economic or worldly standards
· Where is your trust/security
o Your possessions/money VS God the Father?
o Things of temporary value or things of eternal value?
§ Jesus Came as a light of a world
· We must be a light that’s not to bright for the world – driving them away, yet attractive enough to draw them to our culture
· We are in the world but not of the world
· By our habits/culture/lifestyle/deeds – is our light determined
· Your mindset determines your behaviour
o We say at new year’s resolutions what our yearly priorities are yet, later on we see nothing has changed
o Your behaviour patterns determines your priorities à And your mind sets determines your behaviour
o If you wants get rid of bad habits, change your mind set Rom 12
· How do we change our mind sets (Eph 1:17,18); FLOOD YOUR HEART WITH LIGHT
o The light enters by your ears not your eyes
o The letters in revelations doesn’t say “He who has an eye to see”, but “he who has an ear, let him hear”
o Ja 1:18-25
§ Receive the word with gentleness/humility/softness à since that word will change you
§ When we start to become a doer of the word, because of all the light in your heart, you are actually working in your true nature, which is the image and likeness of God, which is a life of obedience
· 2 Cor 4:4 As soon as we realise that we were created before the earth’s making to be a son of God and were created in the image of Christ, the enemy blinds you from this realisation; to keep you away from knowing what your true nature is.
o Then enemy wants to ensure that you don’t flood your heart with light because he is darkness
o That’s why he keeps you away from anything that will change you
o Traditions that are actually extensions of satan’s evil kingdom, the keep one from changing
o Believers with guilt because of their sin, are crippled by the enemy through the guilt – which he does in order to keep them passive/inactive
§ Hence we’re not to focus/concentrate on our sins, but to focus on His light
§ The word doesn’t separate you from sin, but sin from you;
§ God takes you to a certain place where sin cannot stand à eventually to the Most Holy of Holy where not even illness/ death can be
§ There’s a position (measure of the fullness of Christ) in Christ to which God leads us;
§ Don’t let sin keep you captive, we can’t focus on overcoming that sin, but we must focus on God’s light, and He will remove the sin from us by our position in His presence.
§ God separates you from sin, He will elevate you to a position where sin can’t touch you
· Pr 4:20-24 There is even healing in God’s word. Death is in sin, Ps 107:20 it’s God’s will and this is a part of His order. He is almighty, but H e won’t go against His word – it’s a complete package, and healing is a part of that
· Is 58:8 Where does that light shine à in our soul, since it’s our soul that determines our behaviour
· 2 Tim 1:10 how did Jesus get rid of death, by bringing light,à which was proclaiming the Gospel/ Good news of God’s truth
o The more light in you the more Godly immunity you have
o The more light, the more healing
o Be obedient, even unto the obedience of Christ, how was Christ obedient? Unto death. Death of what? Death of the flesh. When Christ blew out the last breath of His flesh He said “It is finished”, since we must have the same obedience Christ had.
· 3 Jn 2
· How does your soul prosper?
o By reflecting light
o When we start doing good, ministering, giving out – we are reflecting God’s light, like the moon does of the sun.
§ We reflect light through our soul
§ Our soul will either reflect the flesh or God’s Spirit
· Eph 5:5-8 & 13-16 Don’t waste time – manage your time
o What moon are you
§ We don’t want to be a lightless moon
o If we look at the process of Going from Egypt through the wilderness across the Jordan; what do we see a barrier before us or a safe secure boundary behind us
§ This is the purpose of introspection
· Where do I stand in my process of sanctification, discipleship
· Jesus is our Jubilee and has given this ministry of reconciliation to His bride that we can return all people to their true Father and believers with their inheritance which is here on earth. He has set us free using son and father disciples to reconcile all people who have been set free to possess their inheritance
§ We must know where we stand, so that we can know what kind of food (baby or solids) we need.
§ It is a wonderful privilege to know we can be free from tragedy without mystical superstitious Christianity
§ The word says if we have enough light in us, it will release us from sin and sickness as we grow into a purer realm, since we’re not part of this worlds systems...
Jan 30, 2010
“Are you a double hearted Christian” Sermon by Eben Roux 24 January 2010
· Last Sunday summary; 6 questions for introspection
◦ Am I a double hearted Christian (living with double standards)
▪ if we ask "How is it going with your spiritual life" implies we have another non-spiritual life, the bible story is about saving us from our fleshly life – this is the wrong question
▪ 1 Cor 10:21 (eg; the leader who is prepared to empty the poisonous cup upon himself – Jesus did at Gethsemane). 2 Tables; your teaching source from more than one place
▪ With the fall, the soul was divided – sense then humans were on an alternate agenda
▪ God promises a new spirit and heart that are united
◦ Do I have enough word in me
◦ Do I have general spiritual knowledge/logic (can discern lies, big picture of Gospel – know destiny)
◦ Do I live the kingdom or just talk it
◦ Do I strive to apply Kingdom principles
◦ Am I a friend to the world?
◦ Jn 1:11 (Gen 1:3) – we pray "create in me a new/ pure heart"
▪ But nothing can be created with eternal value apart from the word of God. Satan can't create – he can't create your impure heart, but he will try to keep your heart impure, since it is already impure – by preventing you from getting light/word in you. People might think here heart is pure because they're "good people" (like with Esau).
▪ 2 Cor 4:4 What is the truth he doesn't want you to see and why.
· The enemy doesn't want u 2 c u true nature – in Christ' image, made 2b a son of God – that u r actually created 2 rule with Christ on this earth
· Doesn't want you to See and realise, acknowledge, believe – that you are a co – inheritor, since then you'll be a disaster for him, because we can then trample snakes and scorpions
· He wants to keep you blind and double hearted – therefore he deceives 2 b the 'light of the world' through the religious spirit – the Holy Spirit counterfeit. (message for the corporate body throughout earth – to those for whom it applies, must change)
· Lev 3:10 – year of jubilee – release to all slaves, each one's inheritance is returned
◦ The sign of this Jubilee points to the Pentecost 50 days after Jesus' resurrection – He set us free and restored our inheritance to us via the Spirit.
◦ The enemy doesn't want your freedom or for you to see who you are. Our inheritance was declared 2000 years ago already – but we're not growing to maturity so we can responsibly manage what's ours. Trying to make the church powerless – hence why we see so few power giftings
· He's given you the power to return to your spiritual family
· His word is there to change our thoughts/ideas/minds so we can move to action of applying God's word
◦ enemy can use your own intellect against
▪ 2 cor 10:5
◦ Heb 4:12
▪ No person has the right to oppose/reject God's word; though people think when they hear something that offends them in scripture that can disregard it; but Heb 4:12, implies it's not our church – the word analyzes us, since God can't insert new wine into old wineskins, since both will be lost;
▪ The proceeding word – faith by hearing
◦ The preceding word is not untrue, but the context is not applicable any longer
◦ The new wine that God is using is that of "father and sons"
▪ The Israelites lost the ark, because of a corruption in the priestly father and sons shown in Eli and his sons, but at the end of the O.T. (Mal 4:6)
▪ The angel told Zechariah that John would re-introduce the new wine of "father and sons"
▪ It's actually a method of using spiritual families on earth to reconcile us to Him as our heavenly Father
· There's no other method, but through the new wine – hence why God is raising up families with the teaching of "fathers and sons" - but He needs wineskins; hence leaders need to prepare their communities so that the wine can be poured into them. Like at Cana – best wine kept for last. He needs crafted/willing wineskin communities – but they're not ready, globally – they perceive correction as "fire and brimstone".
· The time is ready to be equipped with might, power and authority to build/extend His kingdom.