· Last Sunday summary; 6 questions for introspection
◦ Am I a double hearted Christian (living with double standards)
▪ if we ask "How is it going with your spiritual life" implies we have another non-spiritual life, the bible story is about saving us from our fleshly life – this is the wrong question
▪ 1 Cor 10:21 (eg; the leader who is prepared to empty the poisonous cup upon himself – Jesus did at Gethsemane). 2 Tables; your teaching source from more than one place
▪ With the fall, the soul was divided – sense then humans were on an alternate agenda
▪ God promises a new spirit and heart that are united
◦ Do I have enough word in me
◦ Do I have general spiritual knowledge/logic (can discern lies, big picture of Gospel – know destiny)
◦ Do I live the kingdom or just talk it
◦ Do I strive to apply Kingdom principles
◦ Am I a friend to the world?
◦ Jn 1:11 (Gen 1:3) – we pray "create in me a new/ pure heart"
▪ But nothing can be created with eternal value apart from the word of God. Satan can't create – he can't create your impure heart, but he will try to keep your heart impure, since it is already impure – by preventing you from getting light/word in you. People might think here heart is pure because they're "good people" (like with Esau).
▪ 2 Cor 4:4 What is the truth he doesn't want you to see and why.
· The enemy doesn't want u 2 c u true nature – in Christ' image, made 2b a son of God – that u r actually created 2 rule with Christ on this earth
· Doesn't want you to See and realise, acknowledge, believe – that you are a co – inheritor, since then you'll be a disaster for him, because we can then trample snakes and scorpions
· He wants to keep you blind and double hearted – therefore he deceives 2 b the 'light of the world' through the religious spirit – the Holy Spirit counterfeit. (message for the corporate body throughout earth – to those for whom it applies, must change)
· Lev 3:10 – year of jubilee – release to all slaves, each one's inheritance is returned
◦ The sign of this Jubilee points to the Pentecost 50 days after Jesus' resurrection – He set us free and restored our inheritance to us via the Spirit.
◦ The enemy doesn't want your freedom or for you to see who you are. Our inheritance was declared 2000 years ago already – but we're not growing to maturity so we can responsibly manage what's ours. Trying to make the church powerless – hence why we see so few power giftings
· He's given you the power to return to your spiritual family
· His word is there to change our thoughts/ideas/minds so we can move to action of applying God's word
◦ enemy can use your own intellect against
▪ 2 cor 10:5
◦ Heb 4:12
▪ No person has the right to oppose/reject God's word; though people think when they hear something that offends them in scripture that can disregard it; but Heb 4:12, implies it's not our church – the word analyzes us, since God can't insert new wine into old wineskins, since both will be lost;
▪ The proceeding word – faith by hearing
◦ The preceding word is not untrue, but the context is not applicable any longer
◦ The new wine that God is using is that of "father and sons"
▪ The Israelites lost the ark, because of a corruption in the priestly father and sons shown in Eli and his sons, but at the end of the O.T. (Mal 4:6)
▪ The angel told Zechariah that John would re-introduce the new wine of "father and sons"
▪ It's actually a method of using spiritual families on earth to reconcile us to Him as our heavenly Father
· There's no other method, but through the new wine – hence why God is raising up families with the teaching of "fathers and sons" - but He needs wineskins; hence leaders need to prepare their communities so that the wine can be poured into them. Like at Cana – best wine kept for last. He needs crafted/willing wineskin communities – but they're not ready, globally – they perceive correction as "fire and brimstone".
· The time is ready to be equipped with might, power and authority to build/extend His kingdom.
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